Visual identity is essential for any company. Well functioning visual image enables you to differentiate from the others and be remembered. Due to our background graphic design has been an important feature of our activities. The design services by AD 3DOORS have the three advantages of creativity, personal approach and flexible pricing. It is our aim to find the best possible visual solution for each client. Our professional designers with university level art qualifications will be at your disposal. We are using industry standard layout and design software for PC and Mac platforms.

Our main design fields are:

  • Designing various written materials, including translated text
  • Corporate design (logos, business cards, folders, packaging
  • Other various advertising materials

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    Yes, naturally. First we will translate the content while retaining the existing formatting. Then we will do the design and layout, and all the necessary stages up to preparations for printing. Then we will do the printing and deliver the brochures in all four languages to the required destination.
    Yes, it is. We use a special translation memory tool for translating technical texts. Translators will get the necessary instructions and all your terminology will be saved in the translation memory as part of the translation process. The same translation memory will be used for any consequent orders you place with us and will be updated with the new translations. This way you can be assured that terminological consistency of the required material is always guaranteed. Using the translation memory will also enable us to give you a discount for the repeated text units and the following texts will be completed faster.
    Yes, it is possible. In such a situation we would involve several translators who will translate the text simultaneously online by using our translation memory server and the translation memory you send. This way we could ensure that the large project would be finished in time without any fear that the quality might suffer.