Tõlkimine, toimetamine, küljendamine, kujundamine ja vajadusel trükiettevalmistus ning trükiteenused. Tõlketeenuste alt võite tellida nii kirjalikku kui suulist tõlget, samuti näiteks tehniliste tekstide ning majandustekstide tõlget, lokaliseerimist ja ka mitmekeelseid suurprojekte.

AD 3DOORS lähtub tõlketeenuse osutamisel tõlketeenuse Eesti standardist EVS-EN ISO 17100:2015, mis on identne Euroopa standardiga EN ISO 17100:2015 ja välja antud Euroopa Standardikomitee (CEN) loal. Ettevõtte tegevus on kooskõlas ISO 9001:2015 standardi ja Eesti Tõlkebüroode Liidu tõlketeenuse kvaliteedistandardiga.



Our team of professional translators and editors consists of philologists with a university level linguistic education and specialists in other fields with at least 5 years working experience.



Good text conveys the meaning clearly and unambiguously, it is orthographically and grammatically correct. Proofreading can actually precede translation when the source text is not quite clearly understandable.



Written materials need layout for any type of presentation. It is also important to know the intended purpose of the content early in the layout process. This



Printed advertising materials (brochures, booklets, posters, leaflets, etc.). Digital printing of stickers in small print runs (incl. printing in white, gold and silver).



Visual identity is essential for any company. Well functioning visual image enables you to differentiate from the others and be remembered.